Wednesday 3 June 2015

Currently listening to Halsey - Room93 Full EP

Among the things that I aim to happen is to be able to feel. Inspiration isn’t something that you can call whenever. It requires invitation. And apparently, you’d have to wait for him to respond. 
Have I slept too much that I no longer want to sleep?
Perhaps, not being afraid that I will be making a fool of myself would be a good start to do away with what I am currently feeling.
You seem to write extremely well when you’re convinced no one is judging and if there’s any, they are not whose opinion mattered to you.
Looking at it in a new angle,
it is not material that I lack. It is courage.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Nikmat Lapar

Bila perut bunyi, kosong, penuh angin.
Baru terasa merdunya bunyi plastik yang bergesek.
Manisnya hirup air coklat suam yang lemak.
Kunyah, telan ayam goreng garing.
Sesuap penuh nasi berlaga dalam mulut, bergusti dengan lidah, dilenyek ketap gigi.

Semua cuma boleh rasa sedap dan nikmat yang amat.
Saat kau betul-betul lapar.

Sama jugak kasih sayang.
Masa kau tengah sunyi, sedih, haru, tak keruan.
Ada orang tanya khabar.

"Tak sihat ke?"

Manis rasa.

Kenyang dah.